Rao Bahadur Hari Vinayak Sathe
Retired Deputy Collector, Deccani, Brahmin, Aged 81 (born 1855), Residing at 108, Shukrawar Peth, Poona

Baba was greatly attracted to Dada Kelkar's (ie. my father-in-law's ) nephew - Babu. He was a measurer under my assistant, Limaye (I was then Assistant Superintendent of Revenue Survey of Kopergaon and Yeola). But instead of paying due attention to his official work, he would go and stay at Shirdi, doing service to Baba. My assistant complained to me that my brother-in-law (Babu) was always going away to Shirdi and neglecting his work. I communicated this to Kelkar and he said, "What is to be done? He is guided and ordered by Baba." In fact, Baba knowing evidently what was happening to Babu very shortly, made light of his service and said, "Blast the service. Let him serve me." Babu was always attending on Baba and rendering as much service as he could; and Baba would always see that Babu got the choicest delicacies whenever they were available. So Limaye let him do as he liked. Babu's end was drawing near in 1910. He ate mangoes (which were always pouring in upon Baba since 1910) rather too freely. Baba warned Kelkar and told him to have some care of his nephew's health. He said. Babu contracted fever and as he was nearing death, Baba asked Kelkar "Is he alive?" In a few days Babu passed away (1910) aged only 22 leaving an issueless widow.

In religious and temporal affairs I never took any serious step without consulting Baba (either through my father-in-law or otherwise.)

Religious matters

Baba never gave Upadesa or initiation to anyone. So I did not apply to him for initiation. But on several occasions I was invited to get Upadesh from others, e.g., Upasani Baba who offered to explain Panchadasi to me (in 1915 or 1917) after his return to Shirdi form Kharagpur and Miraj. People from Kharagpur and Nagpur were going to him to get Upade-sha. The question was whether I also should go to him for that purpose. There was a lady, Athabai of Sangola, who had given Upadesha to my first wife. There was also the Ganapati Upasaka and Yogi of Moregaon named Vinayak Phatak Maharaj. These offered me Upadesha. In each of these cases, I referred the question to Baba (personally to Baba in the first case and through my father-in-law in the latter cases) and Baba gave a negative reply.

Though there was no formal initiation by Baba he wished me to look to him alone with undeviating attention and he was quite powerful enough and willing to look after my interests temporal and spiritual.

Baba in the early days of my moving with him at times favoured the extension of his worship and at times did not. He made me and my father-in-law start the group congregational worship of Baba as Guru by all the devotees on Guru Poornima day as I have stated already. But when I tried to do Pooja to him as Mahadeva or Siva on "Shivaratri" midnight he did not favour the proposal. When he was first asked for permission that day he said, "No". Then we (ie. myself and Megha) thought over it, took some Bilwa leaves and wished to do silent Pooja at the steps of the Mosque at midnight (which is the time observed in all Siva Temples). When we went there, Tatya from inside the Mosque waved his hand warning us off. But as Baba seemed to be asleep we dared to put some sandal and Bel on the steps in silence. Baba at once got up and hurled wild abuse without naming any one as the object of his abuse. The whole village was roused and they flocked to the Mosque and blamed us for (trying to steal a march over the rest of the devotees and in defiance of Baba's wishes to obtain clandestine Punya by midnight worship at the steps of the mosque. Though Baba did not want me to take Upadesha from others he yet desired that I should show due respect and hospitality to Sants (saints). In fact, he made one Sant go to me.