Rao Bahadur Hari Vinayak Sathe
Retired Deputy Collector, Deccani, Brahmin, Aged 81 (born 1855), Residing at 108, Shukrawar Peth, Poona

Kaka Maharaj of Dhopeshwar (near Rajapur) was a well-known Sant. Some 25 years ago, he visited Poona and lodged with one Devle. He was besieged by a crowd of devotees inviting him to their place for meal & c; and I also made the same request. He regretted his inability to comply with my request. This was in the morning. Later at about noon of the same day, when I was at my office, I was surprised to learn that the Maharaj had sent word to say that he would visit my house and so I sent him my tonga and went home to receive him. When I met him, I asked him how he happened to change his mind so suddenly since morning. Pointing to Sai Baba's portrait on my wall the Maharaj replied, "He would not allow me to rest till I came and saw you".

Shortly before this Maharaj passed away, he had given leave to my son-in-law's brother Hari Gangadhar Joshi (pleader, Thana) and another to go to Sai Baba and pay their respects. They started to Shirdi after Kaka Maharaj passed away. When they arrived at the mosque Baba was in a towering passion, in one of his fits of rage that seemed so ungovernable. But as soon as Baba saw these two arrivals standing outside the mosque he ordered them to be brought to him. When they went up he had sufficiently cooled down and they took darshan without any trepidation or uneasiness. Later Baba started out for Bhiksha. Then he said to them, "You have killed that old man (ie., Kaka Maharaj) and come here, eh?" Though he had not been told of the Maharaj's permission or his death he knew the facts and thus revealed to them at once his knowledge of the facts and his fellow-feeling with that Maharaj.

(As you find from Vaman Rao Patel's Guru Smriti) Baba showed a bit of his chamatkar to my son-in-law Mr. Joshi, at Shirdi. When the latter asked for Udhi, Baba told him that he would get it later and in point of fact as Joshi travelled by train, a fellow-passenger gave him Udhi given by Baba.

Dakshina Bhiksha Samstha

In December 1915, I got a call from Baba, when I was at Poona and at his bidding I helped in forming the above Society. I was made the President of it. We ran the Journal "Sainath Prabha" as its organ. This was not read to Baba previously or submitted for his approval.

It had a short career and was a failure. Hardly any copies are traceable. Parts 1 and 2 which alone are now available give some account of the state of affairs that prevailed at Shirdi Samsthan in 1915 to 1917 or 1918. The attempt to control monetary matters led to increased bitterness against me, resulting in Nanawali's action that drove me away from Shirdi and even led to issue of legal notices. Sometime after the formation of the Sabha (say some 11 months) Radhakrishna Ayi died. She had been in charge of all stores used for purpose of Sai Samsthan. When she died, as she was an intestate Brahmin widow without heirs, the Police came and took possession of all the properties in her custody. Then we had on behalf of the Sabha to apply for the return of all the articles for the Samsthan from the Kopergaon 1st Class Magistrate. On the strength of local Mahajars also he passed orders (M.E.R.23 N2 1916) handing over Samsthan properties to the Samsthan ie. Sabha on behalf of the Samsthan; yet internecine bickering continued. Some misguided devotees made use of the loss of a few silver appendages to the samsthan horse trappings (worth very little after all) to issue a lawyer's notice to me in January 1918. I consulted Baba and he told me to give a reply and I gave it in the terms mentioned by Baba himself. Baba told me that he would protect me and that no proceedings would be laken. That proved to be true and no proceedings were taken against me or the sabha.